Showing posts with label business consultants India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label business consultants India. Show all posts

Tips to become a Successful Entrepreneur

Here are some tips for those who want to start their career as entrepreneurship. These can be helpful for starting and running a business or even selecting an organization to join. A good and successful idea is often found with shallow introspection rather than by having a look at external sources. If a creator is passionate about his venture and works on the idea, then his venture will surely become successful; in spite of markets highs or lows.

If you don’t love your work or job, it’s impossible to start a business and run it successfully. Building a business, setting targets and chasing them is not the final task, but creating a venture is about being able to do something on a permanent basis with complete involvement.

1.    Build a product or service that you will pay to use or directly use it-
It is vital to start producing a product or a service that you can use for yourself or love to get involved in it; something that you keep on doing, even if it doesn’t bring more money at initial stages.

2.    Build a ‘Back Bone’ Business model-
When you started to work on an area, it is important to think of its business model. This may not come right after your first attempt; it may also take some months or years. If you are starting a product or service, the people should be dependent on the product or service and use it.

3.    Create an asset around your venture-
When you look for an expansion, the scale of assets in the financial papers will matter most. An investor or even a customer sees your financial assets in your annual report, but not your turnover. Every time look into your financial spending and cash flow patterns.

4.    Start going with the wave-
No one can try going against the flow of nature and economic cycles. Keep on your eyes open to figure out an upscale market. Investigate on the spending patterns of the people around you, have an eye at the government’s budget and find out the primary agenda.

Every venture has its own life cycle of starting, growth, maturity and end phases of life cycle. These life cycles are directly influential on the spending structure of the government and the people. 

5.    Carry some magnets to attract masses-
Magnets are nothing but smart and successful people. It’s most important to invite smart people to your business. No matter how difficult is to bring the smart people, its worth of getting smart people to be a part of your organization.

Once they are in, you should use the skills and expertise and then make them focus on the agenda of your organization.

6.    Build a culture, not just a product-
Human mind is an astonishing creator. Some minds may create and some minds may destroy. Trillion-dollar businesses like coffee, food, auto, software, aviation, real estate work on the principle of culture, but not the product.

These types of businesses dig deep into the human behavior and build a platform for intellectual exchange and socializing that has now become one of the parts of our daily life.

So, follow these simple, but most powerful tips to attain success in the business. Want any assistance in setting up a business then talk to our expertise in Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd .

E-Tools for e-marketers

What are E-Tools?
For many, e-marketing has become the synonymous with internet marketing and web marketing. Due to rapid changes in the technology, e-marketers are looking in to new technologies to attain their objectives. Once if we move beyond the PC to wireless world, we will find a whole new vision appears.

Some of the e-tools include interactive TV’s, digital radio, smart phones, interactive kiosks, CD cards, etc… Unfortunately content and ad will not be same in the PC and other e-tools. This requires re-purposing which in turn requires resources (money, time and skills).  
Now let’s move to the world of e-tools:

1.    Interactive digital TV-
TV is the most compelling content channel of all. This is a direct advertising to mass market. So, we can call it as highly target-able. Here, we can build the brand through community building. Risk is less when compared to websites. We can also engage audience through interaction.

2.    Digital Radio-
For an e-marketer, digital radio is a proven brand builder. It is great for direct response. It also increases reach from local radio to global radio; so it forms the global community. It can be tailored according to radio programs for individual tastes.

3.    Mobile Devices (wireless)-
Mobile technology is popular and evolving at a rapid pace. In some countries like Finland, mobile is used to purchase flowers, CD’s, bid in auctions, pay for car wash and many more can be done with the help of mobile devices.

4.    Interactive self-service kiosks-
Interactive kiosks come in different shapes and sizes. They can be placed anywhere that attracts passing customers. This makes them ideal not just for sales and marketing, but also for information and corporate communications.

5.    CD-ROM, DVDs and interactive business cards-
CD-ROM are one of the best medium for multimedia marketing, offering instant video, color photos, and far greater interactive delivery of information.

These are some of the e-tools for e-marketers. If you want your product or service or promote a new brand, then contact Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd, who can give you a marketing plan and assist you through out your marketing process. 

Business Consulting Services India

As a small business consulting group, Vizag Recruits have been globally committed to provide effective business consulting solutions that enable growth for its clients. It has the skills and expertise for serving various sectors coming under Service Industries, FM CG, Education or IT.

The Consulting Services Provided by Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd to start-up companies include: 

Strategic Business Planning – A strategic business plan is developed by our team after identifying your current situation, competitors, market trends, advertising programs and budget. This will lead to business growth and expansion that is sustainable in the long run.

Financial Management – Our team of financial experts provide customized financial advisory services that will benefit your investments in the long run. Your Investments are given the personal attention and dedication with a sole aim to grow profitable.

Profitability Improvement – Every successful business always looking forward to improve & increase their profits. We provide strategies on how to power up those profits and position your company for higher growths every year. You will be happy to know that we have the best resources who are masters of increasing your company profits and making business grow faster.

Sales and Marketing – Whether it is setting up a marketing department or preparing a marketing kit or making an effective corporate presentation, our team will provide you the best solutions that will create brand awareness in the market. We can also create the marketing or sales structure along with defining the role of each team member. Speak to our Experts about this.

India Entry Consulting –More and more foreign entities are interested to expand or setup their business in India. We provide end – to end services in taking strategic marketing decisions, exploring Indian markets, completing all legal formalities, Tie-up right vendors. So, expand confidently with having us as the consulting partner.

Import Export Opportunities – Import Export business is still the favorite one for many entrepreneurs with plenty of growth and profitability. A recent entry into segment by our team is exploring the role of being a consultant in taking care of all documentation involved here and access to new markets.

So, extend a hand to us and let us help you in meeting any of your business initiatives.

Tips to grow your Business

Producing the customized product or having a service is 1/4th of the total game. The next process is to market your product and reach to maximum customers. Many businesses fail to plan the exact strategies for marketing. Here are some quick marketing tips to increase your business. 

Tip1: Be sure of your ideas, objectives and goals. Most of the companies fail in inappropriate planning in campaigns. Sit and jot down the effective marketing tools. Implement the tools in proper manner so that, the message reaches to all your potential customers.

Tip2: Participate in trade shows; establish one booth for your product. Make all the people to know about your product or service. This mainly spreads awareness of your company to your competitors and even to customers.

Tip3: Impress your customer with the best tactics and make him happy with your product. The customer passes this information to another 5 members, which leads to increase in customer base. Yes, what you are thinking is right. It is the age-old mantra for perfect cost effective marketing. It is through “Word of Mouth”.

Tip4: Make your presence felt everywhere. Get listed in the business directories through online and offline. It’s even cheaper than other media.

Tip5: Make the customer feel delighted for his purchases. Offer an incentive for the first or for bulk purchases of the product.

 Tip6: Search for your best prospects and try to display some images or brochures at that place. If you have a medical shop and you provide free home delivery, then try to keep some brochures in clinics so that the patients will know your added service and approach you.

Tip7: Most of the sales are produced by word of mouth. So, offer the best product or service and try to make more sales by referral business with each customer.

Tip8: Build a strong network with your competitors, customers, etc… by attending seminars, social functions, trade shows, workshops, etc… this is one of the best marketing tools for getting a chance to meet your potential customers.

Tip9: Start writing articles or books and share them to the internet users, local media channels, in your own website, etc…, which help people to know about you.

Tip10: Most of the rural markets are the best places as they are very receptive. The rural activation system rolls out through mobile vans popularizing products, extending service and acting as mobile outlets marketing.

Tip11: Some companies relay on their public relations department and use traditional media for marketing by giving press releases, etc… PR department allows placing the right news at the right time.

Tip12: Align your business with a non-profit organization, which helps you to get a chance of social service as well as name to your business. Join in communities and start fund-raising programs, etc…

Tip13: For getting free publicity and to have pre-qualified prospects, host a seminar. There you get a chance to speak about your business and products.

Tip14: Start online networks by forming social communities. This is called as viral marketing. This takes some time, but the best way to market in online without paying more.

Tip15: Find out your cross-promote partner, where you can share your customers. This helps to get the customers directly in an unknown place.

Tip16:  Personal selling is the best way to meet directly to the potential customers. This helps to persuade the customer with our product that advertising. If you can’t do with person, then try it by using phones.

Tip17: check out for online newsgroups and try to make relationship with internet users. This helps us to use one of the internet marketing tools, E-mail marketing. You can utilize these opt-in addresses to offer your services.

Tip18: Don’t wait for the customer to find you in online. Rather, you join with other business which has some sort of connection to your business. Make relationship and promote your business by giving back links to your website.

Tip19: Identify your target audience and distribute or post your ads in traditional billboards. For instance- you can see poster-size ads in college campuses. The purpose for out-of-home advertising is to reach your prospects and can influence a purchase.

Tip20: This is difficult for most of the businesses. Offering 100percent guarantee is not there in most of the business, but try to guarantee your product with no clauses.

So, start focusing on the above tips and observe the changes that your business is going to make. For more assistance, consult with Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd, a Team of professionals, who can take care of your marketing strategies and plans.

How to name your Business?

Did you gave a right name to your company? What’s in the name of the company?

Most of the small business success will be found in good and right name that they give to their business, which brings a good talk in the city. The wrong name will doom the company to failure and darkness.

Smart business people will take as much care and effort in selecting and naming their business as they did it with writing the idea, planning for the location, etc… Your name should reflect your product or service and the expertise of your business.

There is an argument on what creates a good business name. Many experts say that the best names are conceptual, a blank slate, which gives a good image in the city. Some think that the name should be informative, so that customers can know your product.

Some even have coined names (names that was born from made-up words) that are more unforgettable than the actual words. But the fact is that any type of name can be remembered if there is good marketing strategy.
Either you can select the name of the business or can consult an expert for choosing unique names.

Many companies take the trademarks to their name of the businesses. A professional naming company will take some thousands of dollars to provide you a name. They will have expertise to advice you on the good name selections. Better to consult a business naming consultant, who can make your job easy and give you a perfect name to your company.

Opportunity to do what you enjoy and have fun at one of the benefits of Entrepreneurship

A common sentiment among small business owners is that their work really isn’t work. Most successful entrepreneurs choose to enter their particular business fields because they have an interest in them and enjoy those lines of work. They have made their avocations (hobbies) their vocations (work) and are glad they did. These entrepreneurs are living Harvey McKay’s advice: “Find a job doing what you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” The journey rather than the destination is the entrepreneur’s greatest reward. The only business you should start is one in which you have huge interest, or else you won’t have the persistence to stick with it. Get into [a business] because you’re fanatically interested in it.

Although money is not the primary force driving most entrepreneurs, the profits their business can earn are an important motivating factor in their decision to launch business. Most entrepreneurs never become super-rich, but many of them do become quite wealthy. The typical millionaire’s business is not a glamorous, high-tech enterprise; more often, it is something much less glamorous –scrap metal, welding, auctioneer, garbage collection, and the like.

If you are interested to make your hobby as profession, our Consultants are glad to support you in launching your business and make you a wealthy person.