Showing posts with label Marketing advice Vizag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marketing advice Vizag. Show all posts

Branding your business with the help of blogging

Each Company keeps trying to get business leads for their sales funnel that can soon turn into possible sale. Marketing tactics like strong lead generation machine that will always keep generating leads to your business.

Amplify your online existence via blogging – Make your product to be easily sighted in GOOGLE and other search engines. This is a great and effortless manner to get sales leads. This takes place since most of the callers while searching online will come through blogs before going to your website. That is why you must link your blog article with the company site.

To advertise your business through blogs always remember to focus on writing about what customer needs.Do not chat more about the product rather speak what the product can do or work out a problem faced by customer. Keep the online readers connected in the blog so that they will click your website to know more about the product.

Business blogging needs the service of a freelance blog writer who knows how to get traffic for your site after doing a competitive research for your business. The writer will make use of keywords in the article which readers commonly use while searching for your product online. The writer will also give a headline to the blog that will boost your ranking in search engines.

Blogging is a cost effective but powerful means used these days to get more business leads.If you have questions on benefits of blogging, talk to us.

Business Process Management

What is Business Process Management?
Business Process Management
also called as BPM is a practice of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization mechanizing the business process. According to the business model, each company will have different Business processes. When the business reacts to market conditions, this process tends to advance over a period of time. The BPM you choose should be easily adaptable to any type of conditions and requirements and should be a perfect fit to the company.

What is the life cycle of BPM?
Business process management
is having five stages and is grouped as- design, modeling, execution, monitoring, and optimization.

Process design involves of identifying the existing process and if necessary re-designing it. Perfect designing increases the lifetime of BPM and reduces the issues. The main areas includes- Standard Operating Procedures, representation of the process flow, Service Level Agreements, escalations and task hand-over mechanisms.

Modeling gives the theoretical design and brings up different variables. It also involvers in “What if Analysis”.

The mentioned design and process has to be executed with the help of available resources.

It includes tracking of individual processes so that the information can be easily seen and performance based statics can be easily provided.

Optimization involves getting performance information from modeling and monitoring phases, identifying the cost savings and again applying those in the design of the process. This overall process creates great business value to the organization.

Any more tips or advice needed then consult us.

Viral Marketing Tips to grow your business

 What is Viral Marketing?
Viral Marketing is a highly informative or a shocking idea, which makes compulsory viewing of the message. It may be a video clip, a poem, a funny picture or a political item. It’s so impressing that it makes the people to pass it on.

Viral Marketing strap up the network in the internet and is effective in reaching huge number of people same as like a virus passing in the internet and effecting many systems around the world. 

Forms of Viral Marketing:
There are two forms of viral marketing are-
1.    Word-of-Mouth
2.    Word-of-Mouse
The above forms of viral marketing work on the principle of passing the word in the networks of people.

What are the requirements for viral marketing?
1.    Innovative material- This includes the innovative or creative message or offer on the product or service and how it is passed in the networks.

2.    Seeding- Recognizing websites, blog sites or people to send e-mail to start the virus to spread across the networks.

3.    Tracking- To observe the effect and to assess the return from the Cost of developing the innovative material or viral agent and seeding.

With viral techniques, traffic is built either through using e-mail (virtual word-of-mouth) or real world (word-of-mouth) to spread the message from one person to the next.

Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd Small business consultants have been providing some great Viral Marketing tips and ideas for start-ups or for existing business.

Using Guerilla marketing strategies

What is meant by Guerrilla marketing?
Breaking the traditional ways of marketing, Guerrilla marketing uses unconventional marketing approach for achieving maximum results using minimal resources. The use of innovative ideas fueled with aggression can lead to improved results, even at times when your marketing budgets are very low.  Rather spending huge expenses on all those traditional advertising methods, one can put their investment in guerrilla marketing and might see considerable results.

Benefit of Guerrilla marketing?
In addition to being affordable, it helps business growth, expands social networking, both with your customers and with other businesses.

Who is suited to do guerrilla marketing?Guerrilla marketing is specifically meant for all those first time entrepreneurs and independent professionals who are having a hard time in reaching out for new clients. Guerrilla marketing can be an inexpensive way to market on a "shoe string" budget. Technology is one the guerrilla marketer's best tool. One should make use of it & generate profits.

Does it work?
Doing research properly, planning the campaign perfectly, and implementing it accordingly will surely lead to getting profitable business.

Mention few Examples of Guerrilla Marketing?

·   One best example of guerrilla marketing would be referral marketing

·   Another guerrilla marketing approach will be advertising in high traffic areas.

·   Writing Articles in your local papers is also considered a good approach

Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd has been providing  guerrilla marketing ideas for start-ups.

Marketing consultants in Visakhapatnam

Today, more and more companies are coming to Visakhapatnam introducing new product or service. There needs to be a perfect way to reach the target audience and make the message clear on what you are promoting. You need to know existing buyers, type of buyers, their income level, location while preparing for the promotion of your product.

This is where most companies look forward to partner with marketing consultants in Visakhapatnam. The purpose of utilizing their services are that they assist in making better decision making on the promotional activities and guide in making the brand message loud and clear.

Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd is one of those marketing consultants in Visakhapatnam who keeps track and is up-to-date on the tricks of the trade and has the expertise to provide the right solutions to deliver ROI for the client.

As one of the leading marketing consultants in Visakhapatnam we offer a wide range of marketing consulting services like Increase qualified leads, identify existing marketing hiccups, suggest best practices or approaches to the sales team, Increase leads by online marketing, Research on the competitors and provide a report on Strengths and Weakness.

Existing companies either in Educational Sector or IT Sector or Financial Services or Training Sector can also partner with the marketing consultants in Visakhapatnam like us who can guide them for improving profitability.

So if you are planning to start a business in Visakhapatnam or thinking to invest in an existing business then make sure to partner with marketing consultants in Visakhapatnam like Shriyans Team.

E-Tools for e-marketers

What are E-Tools?
For many, e-marketing has become the synonymous with internet marketing and web marketing. Due to rapid changes in the technology, e-marketers are looking in to new technologies to attain their objectives. Once if we move beyond the PC to wireless world, we will find a whole new vision appears.

Some of the e-tools include interactive TV’s, digital radio, smart phones, interactive kiosks, CD cards, etc… Unfortunately content and ad will not be same in the PC and other e-tools. This requires re-purposing which in turn requires resources (money, time and skills).  
Now let’s move to the world of e-tools:

1.    Interactive digital TV-
TV is the most compelling content channel of all. This is a direct advertising to mass market. So, we can call it as highly target-able. Here, we can build the brand through community building. Risk is less when compared to websites. We can also engage audience through interaction.

2.    Digital Radio-
For an e-marketer, digital radio is a proven brand builder. It is great for direct response. It also increases reach from local radio to global radio; so it forms the global community. It can be tailored according to radio programs for individual tastes.

3.    Mobile Devices (wireless)-
Mobile technology is popular and evolving at a rapid pace. In some countries like Finland, mobile is used to purchase flowers, CD’s, bid in auctions, pay for car wash and many more can be done with the help of mobile devices.

4.    Interactive self-service kiosks-
Interactive kiosks come in different shapes and sizes. They can be placed anywhere that attracts passing customers. This makes them ideal not just for sales and marketing, but also for information and corporate communications.

5.    CD-ROM, DVDs and interactive business cards-
CD-ROM are one of the best medium for multimedia marketing, offering instant video, color photos, and far greater interactive delivery of information.

These are some of the e-tools for e-marketers. If you want your product or service or promote a new brand, then contact Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd, who can give you a marketing plan and assist you through out your marketing process. 

Revisit Your Marketing Strategies

One has to seriously rethink in making changes in their marketing strategies by following these steps.

Know Your Competition – One should make a good survey to know their present competitors and the future competitors who may reach forward to taking away your customers or market .Make a regular follow up on listing out your rivals in the Industry.

Know Competitors closely – Now that you have identified your competition, the next step will be to closely understand them. Note their Strengths and of course the weakness that will help you preparing effective marketing strategies. Keep a close eye on those competitors whose approach to the market seems more aggressive & turn out profitable too.

Comparison factor – Probably the best way to implement better marketing strategies is having a comparison table that shows the marketing approaches of your organization along with some of the leading competitors in the market promoting similar services or products.

Shaping Strategies – Once you listed out and know what is going wrong or what needs to be changed in your marketing approaches, you can start making the appropriate changes. You now need to make an approach that will surely have a leading edge over your competitors.

I am sure this small piece of information has really helped you. Are you requiring more information or suggestions? State your requirement to any business problem faced while marketing product or services. We can be reached here…

Financial Management

What is Financial Management?
To have a positive cash flow in an organization or enterprise, Financial Management is required for the planning of the future. It also comprises of maintenance and administration of financial assets, identifying & managing risks, etc… The major concern for Financial Management is the evaluation rather than applying the techniques.

The main aim of Financial Management is to achieve various organization goals at a particular time. Financial Managers also control the monetary transactions put in by external investors. Financial Management makes the goals of the organization come true.

What is the work in Financial Management?
A financial manager looks at the available data and evaluates the organization position and then plans for the future accordingly. Some experts call Financial Management as money or monetary management. It’s even important to our existence as every aspect in our life goes with some sought of financials.

Process of Financial Management:
While speaking at the organization point of view, financial management is associated with financial control and financial planning. Financial planning goes with the available financial resources and then plans the size and timing of expenses, whereas financial control refers to observing of cash flow and managing the movement of budget in the organization.

Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd has a Team of Financial planners, who can guide you while investing in your existing business or start up venture. Contact them for more assistance. 

Preparing a Corporate Presentation

One of the new age tools to communicate organization profile, products, services, team, infrastructure, achievements, facilities and lot more information is Corporate Presentations. These presentations help the organization to market its products in an effective way. An effective Corporate Presentation impresses the client and allows him to buy your product or service.

When compared to static images or text or graphics, Corporate Presentations make the audience to bind to your product or service. You can amaze your clients at their comfort. It has the ability to activate multiple senses.

Once visualize about the meeting with some of the important delegates visiting your organization on a particular time. At this time, you have to present your firm and you know very well that first impression is the best impression. So, do not give a bad impression to the audience instead take the help of the corporate films and present an overview of your organization in a short time. Your work is done and your boss will applaud you for your success.

Here are some tips for an effective Corporate Presentation:
1.    Minimize your presentation: When it comes to presenting about your organization, it takes hours of time. So, you have to cut short the presentation and should only pick the important things about your firm. Make simpler message and your audience will surely like it.

2.    Every picture speaks: Put some pictures in some slides to which speaks about the information. Using images have an immediate competitive advantage.

3.    Use Bullets: Corporate Presentations should pack with bullet points. Even though 7% of the presentation is text, but it should be properly delivered to the audience.

4.    Take the help of ad agency: As this is a corporate presentation, don’t let it be an informal presentation. Don’t do it all alone, but take the help of a design agency that will design and give a formal and corporate look.

5.    Give importance to your appearance: Be sure of your dress, hair style and body language.

6.    Be a winner: There is enough time for you to prepare for the presentation. Make it short and simple. Just take 20 to 30 minutes and prepare only 10 slides for the presentation.

So, do you want to impress your clients? Then, make an effective corporate presentations for your organization by using the services of corporate presentation making companies.

Preparing a Marketing Plan for your business

To achieve the marketing objectives of an organization, this is called as a marketing plan. Marketing plans can be for a product or service. Marketing plans are an integral part of the overall business plan. There should be a strong marketing strategy, which forms the foundation for a good marketing plan.

An efficient marketer uses all means of communication to impress and win the customers’ confidence that will lead to a sale.

Benefits of a Marketing plan:
1.    The business owners who make an effective marketing plan will think for the long-term of their business and plan accordingly.

 2.    For harvesting results, the team will work hard and stick with the marketing plans.

3.    The marketer will monitor the competition, but will not react excessively.

4.    The team will focus towards the specific marketing objectives and goals.

5.    Will work mainly attract on the segmented market, at the same time will concentrate on the other customers.

6.    Spend the budget according to the marketing plan effectively and efficiently.

7.    Become smarter in marketing every year and understands how marketing works.

Essentials of an effective marketing plan:
1.    Executive Summary: It highlights the main goals and objectives of the marketing plan. It should also contain a brief note of the budget requirements.

2.    Business Overview: This is also referred to as the, “situation analysis.” It contains some important areas like market, product, distribution situations, competitors and pricing. Here, you should mention the past one year records and plans. You have to include SWOT analysis of the business.

3.    Target Market: Here you have to segment your target market. You have to mention their needs and what kind of product you will sell to them.

4.    Goals: What do you want to achieve with this marketing plan? The goals should be challenging and attainable.

5.    Marketing Strategies: Here you have to outline the marketing strategies you want to perform for the goals to be attainable.

6.    Implementation tactics: In this section, tasks required to implement the strategies are listed. Each person is assigned with different tasks and the name of the team leader, the date of completion is also mentioned.

7.    Budget: The amount for the above activities, the revenue forecast considering various scenarios are mentioned here.

8.    Evaluation of results: Here we will mention the success criteria and measurement of the success. We will also check the strategies that are not performing well and the reasons for the non performance.

Does your business need a marketing plan? Then, contact the Team of Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd, who can provide you an effective marketing plan for your business. 

Tips to grow your Business

Producing the customized product or having a service is 1/4th of the total game. The next process is to market your product and reach to maximum customers. Many businesses fail to plan the exact strategies for marketing. Here are some quick marketing tips to increase your business. 

Tip1: Be sure of your ideas, objectives and goals. Most of the companies fail in inappropriate planning in campaigns. Sit and jot down the effective marketing tools. Implement the tools in proper manner so that, the message reaches to all your potential customers.

Tip2: Participate in trade shows; establish one booth for your product. Make all the people to know about your product or service. This mainly spreads awareness of your company to your competitors and even to customers.

Tip3: Impress your customer with the best tactics and make him happy with your product. The customer passes this information to another 5 members, which leads to increase in customer base. Yes, what you are thinking is right. It is the age-old mantra for perfect cost effective marketing. It is through “Word of Mouth”.

Tip4: Make your presence felt everywhere. Get listed in the business directories through online and offline. It’s even cheaper than other media.

Tip5: Make the customer feel delighted for his purchases. Offer an incentive for the first or for bulk purchases of the product.

 Tip6: Search for your best prospects and try to display some images or brochures at that place. If you have a medical shop and you provide free home delivery, then try to keep some brochures in clinics so that the patients will know your added service and approach you.

Tip7: Most of the sales are produced by word of mouth. So, offer the best product or service and try to make more sales by referral business with each customer.

Tip8: Build a strong network with your competitors, customers, etc… by attending seminars, social functions, trade shows, workshops, etc… this is one of the best marketing tools for getting a chance to meet your potential customers.

Tip9: Start writing articles or books and share them to the internet users, local media channels, in your own website, etc…, which help people to know about you.

Tip10: Most of the rural markets are the best places as they are very receptive. The rural activation system rolls out through mobile vans popularizing products, extending service and acting as mobile outlets marketing.

Tip11: Some companies relay on their public relations department and use traditional media for marketing by giving press releases, etc… PR department allows placing the right news at the right time.

Tip12: Align your business with a non-profit organization, which helps you to get a chance of social service as well as name to your business. Join in communities and start fund-raising programs, etc…

Tip13: For getting free publicity and to have pre-qualified prospects, host a seminar. There you get a chance to speak about your business and products.

Tip14: Start online networks by forming social communities. This is called as viral marketing. This takes some time, but the best way to market in online without paying more.

Tip15: Find out your cross-promote partner, where you can share your customers. This helps to get the customers directly in an unknown place.

Tip16:  Personal selling is the best way to meet directly to the potential customers. This helps to persuade the customer with our product that advertising. If you can’t do with person, then try it by using phones.

Tip17: check out for online newsgroups and try to make relationship with internet users. This helps us to use one of the internet marketing tools, E-mail marketing. You can utilize these opt-in addresses to offer your services.

Tip18: Don’t wait for the customer to find you in online. Rather, you join with other business which has some sort of connection to your business. Make relationship and promote your business by giving back links to your website.

Tip19: Identify your target audience and distribute or post your ads in traditional billboards. For instance- you can see poster-size ads in college campuses. The purpose for out-of-home advertising is to reach your prospects and can influence a purchase.

Tip20: This is difficult for most of the businesses. Offering 100percent guarantee is not there in most of the business, but try to guarantee your product with no clauses.

So, start focusing on the above tips and observe the changes that your business is going to make. For more assistance, consult with Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd, a Team of professionals, who can take care of your marketing strategies and plans.

Online Market Research for your Business

What is Online Market Research?
Online market research is a method of collecting data from internet to interpret how well a product or service is being sold to customers. The company can also get some important strategies for getting better results.
Online market survey, when used properly, becomes an effective tool for maximizing your revenues. The companies of online market research will draft some reports from the survey, which is useful to compare the strategies and the working of the companies.

Most of the companies don’t understand the value and importance of online market research, which is the most important tool to grab the share. Online market research doesn’t mean to browse the sites and collecting data, which will not be genuine. The collected data is analyzed in the forms of market research reports, with meaningful and useful data.

Online market research is a tool to be in contact with past clients, know the need of the current clients, and to know the need of the potential clients. There will be a well-drafted questionnaire prepared by market research analysts, which will take a form of online market research, asking the potential or current customers about their liking to the business, needs and many more things.

Several online market research companies are present worldwide, but a perfect and capable market research company can only understand your problem and then find a solution.

Do you require a market research report on a particular industry for your start-up business or existing business? Then, speak with the Team of market research consultants of Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd. They can also provide you a Free Sample Report if you require.

Consultants in Visakhapatnam

Visakhapatnam, the “City of Destiny,” is one of the fast growing cities in India, popularly known as Vizag. It is one of the secured places on the East coast of India. Many small businesses were set-up in Vizag and many more start-up ventures are coming, making Vizag a hub of business. Visakhapatnam is one of the excellent places to invest in business. You can either start your own business or take a franchisee of your wish.

                                "BUT WHAT NEXT?"

Things will not be easy as written words. This was an accepted fact by all of us. However, think of a TEAM of Professionals who will help you in guiding throughout your business. Yes, from preparing Business Plan, Market Research, Business Development, Web Services, Data Services, and Financial Services to Marketing.

The One-Stop Consultancy in Visakhapatnam, “Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd,” consists of expertise in different areas, who have worked in different fields and now providing Consultation Services to various start-up companies and existing business in Visakhapatnam as well as to other Countries.

The team of consultants in Visakhapatnam will work on-site as well as off-site as per the requirements of the clients. The Team also provides value added services to the clients on how to boost up their revenue and stay ahead from their competitors. 

Contact the Team of Consultants in Visakhapatnam and have innovative minds work for YOU.