Showing posts with label Branding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Branding. Show all posts


What is Branding?
The American Marketing Association defines branding as “name, sign, term, symbol, design,” or the mixing of all these to determine goods and services of a manufacturer and to differentiate those of other manufactures.

However, branding is not about targeting your customers but providing solution to your prospects to see that you are the only one to satisfy their needs and requirements and providing a solution.

The objectives and goals that a good brand should achieve are-
1.    Delivering the message clearly
2.    Connecting your targeted prospects emotionally
3.    Motivating the buyer

For a successful branding, you have to know your customer needs and requirements. At every point of public contact, your company should integrate branding strategies. Your brand should remain in the minds and hearts of the customers.

Benefits of branding to your business:
1.    Gratitude & Loyalty-

Customers are much more likely to remember your business if you are having a brand. A strong & powerful brand name and image helps to keep the brand image of every person and especially for potential customers.

2.    Quality factor-
A strong branding gives the company the image of quality and many people see the brand as part of the value of the product or the service. If you show two products of one having a brand the other not having, then I am sure that the person will choose the product that is branded.

3.    Size factor-Most of the people associate branding with larger businesses that spends lots of money on promotional activities. If you have a proper branding of your company, then your company looks bigger than it really is.

4.    Reflects Experience & reliability-
Branding creates an image of established business and is more likely to be experienced in providing products or services.

5.    Multiple Branding-
 On every product or service you produce, you will have the brand name, which means that your customer of one product may buy another product which is having the same brand name.

So have a good brand name for your business and satisfy the needs and requirements of the customers.