Showing posts with label marketing solutions India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marketing solutions India. Show all posts

How to get customers for your business

Identifying your target market is something important for every small business. Mostly, we get into two types of target market – the Natural Market & the Niche Market. What does each of them mean to us?

The Natural Market – When I mention natural market, it means the prospects that surround you neighborhood, the people whom are meeting or calling them daily, your relations, etc.Yes! Pick up your telephone directory or mail list & start contacting each of them to tell them about your product or service. The benefit you gain here in the natural market is that it’s easy to get appointments as most of them are known to you. You get sufficient time to convince them about the value what you provide. You may also get a sale or more referrals by them.

The Niche Market – Let me now talk about the Niche market. After spending some time prospecting in the natural market, gradually you will come to know the proper age group or location or professionals who are in dire need of your product or service & are ready to buy too. Once this is known, you need to have a signature presentation ready for them, create customized brochure for the niche market & start pitching to them. This always cuts short the selling time & leads to quicker prospecting for getting leads.

Facing problems on how to find target market then get marketing advice

Viral Marketing Tips to grow your business

 What is Viral Marketing?
Viral Marketing is a highly informative or a shocking idea, which makes compulsory viewing of the message. It may be a video clip, a poem, a funny picture or a political item. It’s so impressing that it makes the people to pass it on.

Viral Marketing strap up the network in the internet and is effective in reaching huge number of people same as like a virus passing in the internet and effecting many systems around the world. 

Forms of Viral Marketing:
There are two forms of viral marketing are-
1.    Word-of-Mouth
2.    Word-of-Mouse
The above forms of viral marketing work on the principle of passing the word in the networks of people.

What are the requirements for viral marketing?
1.    Innovative material- This includes the innovative or creative message or offer on the product or service and how it is passed in the networks.

2.    Seeding- Recognizing websites, blog sites or people to send e-mail to start the virus to spread across the networks.

3.    Tracking- To observe the effect and to assess the return from the Cost of developing the innovative material or viral agent and seeding.

With viral techniques, traffic is built either through using e-mail (virtual word-of-mouth) or real world (word-of-mouth) to spread the message from one person to the next.

Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd Small business consultants have been providing some great Viral Marketing tips and ideas for start-ups or for existing business.

Profitability Improvement

Are you an Entrepreneur, who strive for the business and want to improve your profits? Of course the answer will be YES! Everyone will start their business for profits and self satisfaction of having a business and being a boss.

Fortunately there are many ways for your business to power up profits. Some of the ways to increase your business are cross-selling, incentives for the sales person for selling more, increasing the product line, up-selling to existing customers, etc… On the other side reduction of expenses, negotiating on discounts with suppliers, etc… are some of the ways for increasing profits without any sales of the product or service.

If you master the art of increasing profits, then you will be able to-

1.    Position your organization for future expansions in the new markets
2.    Build strong relationships before you assist them
3.    You can have a financial cushion if your business slow down
4.    Protect the financial assets to hire additional staff

To attain all the above things and for profitability improvement, you have to-

1.    Explore the current financial position: Assess and analyze the firm’s financial status and calculate the financial assets. Record it.

2.    Minimize expenses: If you don’t have proper planning, you can’t control the expenses. So, have a good planning on daily expenses, monthly expenses and observe that your business will not cross the budget.

3.    Increase the prices: According to the firm’s policies, you can increase the prices at regular period of time.

4.    Up sell to existing customers: Keep good contacts with the existing customers and now and then try to know their needs and sell them more. You can also take some contacts from the customers.

5.    Outsourcing- the best way: Focus on the core areas of the business and outsource to reduce resources.

Want to increase profits for your business then contact our Team of experts who will assist you and provide you some tips and tactics on profitability improvement. They can be reached at Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd .

Sales & Marketing Strategies

First of all let us differentiate sales and marketing. Most of us consider sales and marketing as one department. But this is a wrong perception. It’s true that without marketing you will not have good prospects or customers. But think without sales techniques and strategies, we may not find good closing rate.

Marketing is a technique to reach your customers and give them a detailed note on the product or service. But sale is a process that you need to follow from explaining the product, taking a cheque to delivery of the product.

Here are some of the marketing and sales strategies to increase your business-

Strategy 1. Have definite goals and have a regular review on the time. Either small or large businesses should have certain attainable objectives and should work on the same.

 Strategy 2. Be innovative and stand out of the competition. Don’t continue with the same boring ads and disappoint the customers. Think differently and impress the customers’ minds and make them give a phone call for inquiry.

Strategy 3. Maintain good relationships with your customers. Make them delightful for every purchase and now and then make them remember your organization. If you provide any discount, then immediately inform them on the same.

Strategy 4. Collect all the details and store the data with you. For some big occasions, you can send a mail or personally wish them. This is a powerful and inexpensive marketing tool.

Strategy 5. Hire efficient sales persons. The quality of the sales staff helps to sustain in the critical and competitive marketplace.

Whether you want to set up a marketing department or want to have a marketing kit or to get an effective corporate presentation or to have a marketing plan, our Team will provide you the best solutions that will create brand awareness in the market. So, why not have a discussion on the same? You can reach us at Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd

Using Guerilla marketing strategies

What is meant by Guerrilla marketing?
Breaking the traditional ways of marketing, Guerrilla marketing uses unconventional marketing approach for achieving maximum results using minimal resources. The use of innovative ideas fueled with aggression can lead to improved results, even at times when your marketing budgets are very low.  Rather spending huge expenses on all those traditional advertising methods, one can put their investment in guerrilla marketing and might see considerable results.

Benefit of Guerrilla marketing?
In addition to being affordable, it helps business growth, expands social networking, both with your customers and with other businesses.

Who is suited to do guerrilla marketing?Guerrilla marketing is specifically meant for all those first time entrepreneurs and independent professionals who are having a hard time in reaching out for new clients. Guerrilla marketing can be an inexpensive way to market on a "shoe string" budget. Technology is one the guerrilla marketer's best tool. One should make use of it & generate profits.

Does it work?
Doing research properly, planning the campaign perfectly, and implementing it accordingly will surely lead to getting profitable business.

Mention few Examples of Guerrilla Marketing?

·   One best example of guerrilla marketing would be referral marketing

·   Another guerrilla marketing approach will be advertising in high traffic areas.

·   Writing Articles in your local papers is also considered a good approach

Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd has been providing  guerrilla marketing ideas for start-ups.

Revisit Your Marketing Strategies

One has to seriously rethink in making changes in their marketing strategies by following these steps.

Know Your Competition – One should make a good survey to know their present competitors and the future competitors who may reach forward to taking away your customers or market .Make a regular follow up on listing out your rivals in the Industry.

Know Competitors closely – Now that you have identified your competition, the next step will be to closely understand them. Note their Strengths and of course the weakness that will help you preparing effective marketing strategies. Keep a close eye on those competitors whose approach to the market seems more aggressive & turn out profitable too.

Comparison factor – Probably the best way to implement better marketing strategies is having a comparison table that shows the marketing approaches of your organization along with some of the leading competitors in the market promoting similar services or products.

Shaping Strategies – Once you listed out and know what is going wrong or what needs to be changed in your marketing approaches, you can start making the appropriate changes. You now need to make an approach that will surely have a leading edge over your competitors.

I am sure this small piece of information has really helped you. Are you requiring more information or suggestions? State your requirement to any business problem faced while marketing product or services. We can be reached here…

Business Consulting Services India

As a small business consulting group, Vizag Recruits have been globally committed to provide effective business consulting solutions that enable growth for its clients. It has the skills and expertise for serving various sectors coming under Service Industries, FM CG, Education or IT.

The Consulting Services Provided by Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd to start-up companies include: 

Strategic Business Planning – A strategic business plan is developed by our team after identifying your current situation, competitors, market trends, advertising programs and budget. This will lead to business growth and expansion that is sustainable in the long run.

Financial Management – Our team of financial experts provide customized financial advisory services that will benefit your investments in the long run. Your Investments are given the personal attention and dedication with a sole aim to grow profitable.

Profitability Improvement – Every successful business always looking forward to improve & increase their profits. We provide strategies on how to power up those profits and position your company for higher growths every year. You will be happy to know that we have the best resources who are masters of increasing your company profits and making business grow faster.

Sales and Marketing – Whether it is setting up a marketing department or preparing a marketing kit or making an effective corporate presentation, our team will provide you the best solutions that will create brand awareness in the market. We can also create the marketing or sales structure along with defining the role of each team member. Speak to our Experts about this.

India Entry Consulting –More and more foreign entities are interested to expand or setup their business in India. We provide end – to end services in taking strategic marketing decisions, exploring Indian markets, completing all legal formalities, Tie-up right vendors. So, expand confidently with having us as the consulting partner.

Import Export Opportunities – Import Export business is still the favorite one for many entrepreneurs with plenty of growth and profitability. A recent entry into segment by our team is exploring the role of being a consultant in taking care of all documentation involved here and access to new markets.

So, extend a hand to us and let us help you in meeting any of your business initiatives.

Increasing your “LEADS”

Whenever you start a marketing campaign, you should remember one thing in mind. Those are the leads that you get after successful marketing campaign. Leads are categorized in to three types.
1.    Leads that are already in your hand (HOT)
2.    Leads that will be ready soon (WARM)
3.    Leads that will never be ready (COLD)

When you started a marketing campaign, you don’t know, which  is cold or warm or hot‼!

So, if you or your staff starts calling to the leads, then you will spend more time for the leads, which are going to close. All smart sales men do this and try to pluck the fruit that is hanging to the ground. They usually cherry pick. It is a natural result here because,

1.    Sales representatives get more commission for every sale.

2.    As a sales representative you don’t know the difference between hot or warm or cold leads. You have to go to them and then find out.

3.    If you meet the customer at wrong time, then you don’t have patience to continuously follow up.

There’s no wrong in spending your time with the hot customers. But the problem arises, when you neglect those warm leads. Instead of follow up, you will forget these warm customers and leave the sales. This should not happen. There should be someone to follow up the warm customers like clock work.

For some years, you have tried to follow up or re-market to your leads. If you’re winning, the chances are there are occasional needle in the haystack. But you can do it in a much better ways.

Your follow-up shouldn’t be a hit and miss game. There are some new ways to handle the whole process. And I am sure that those will be helpful in increasing your leads than the present leads. How would it be if you close some more leads every month?

Find out on how you can increase your leads by consulting with us.

Starting a new Business ! Here is a checklist

What is a Business Checklist?
In any entrepreneur's life, starting a new venture is one of the busy times. Critical steps will be overlooked until you are in the actual process. The Checklist for starting a new Business is a list of tasks that you have to perform while starting a new business. This is useful to set up the business legally efficient and sound.

This checklist says that you already have an idea of your business and now want to list the things ready to make it real. Here is a checklist of some basic areas you have to cover before starting your business.
1.    Research on the Business idea
2.    Writing a Business plan and Marketing Plan
3.    Choose a name and registering it
4.    Also, register the domain name in the internet
5.    Completing all legal formalities of the business
6.    Choosing a location to start your Business
7.    Meeting the banker and having good relationship with him
8.    Registering federal trademark or patents or copy rights
9.    Get all the licenses and permits to start your business
10.    Fund-raising channels
11.    Infrastructure
12.    Planning for risk and insurance
13.    Developing day-to-day managerial plan
14.    Hire Employees
15.    Others

If you are starting a Business, then have an effective Checklist for your business, which helps your business to prosper. You can manage some of these areas. But, you can’t manage some. If you have solid base, then only you can have solid business and can achieve your goals easily and can be free from unexpected problems in the future. 

Contact Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd to prepare a checklist for your start-up venture.

Preparing a Marketing Plan for your business

To achieve the marketing objectives of an organization, this is called as a marketing plan. Marketing plans can be for a product or service. Marketing plans are an integral part of the overall business plan. There should be a strong marketing strategy, which forms the foundation for a good marketing plan.

An efficient marketer uses all means of communication to impress and win the customers’ confidence that will lead to a sale.

Benefits of a Marketing plan:
1.    The business owners who make an effective marketing plan will think for the long-term of their business and plan accordingly.

 2.    For harvesting results, the team will work hard and stick with the marketing plans.

3.    The marketer will monitor the competition, but will not react excessively.

4.    The team will focus towards the specific marketing objectives and goals.

5.    Will work mainly attract on the segmented market, at the same time will concentrate on the other customers.

6.    Spend the budget according to the marketing plan effectively and efficiently.

7.    Become smarter in marketing every year and understands how marketing works.

Essentials of an effective marketing plan:
1.    Executive Summary: It highlights the main goals and objectives of the marketing plan. It should also contain a brief note of the budget requirements.

2.    Business Overview: This is also referred to as the, “situation analysis.” It contains some important areas like market, product, distribution situations, competitors and pricing. Here, you should mention the past one year records and plans. You have to include SWOT analysis of the business.

3.    Target Market: Here you have to segment your target market. You have to mention their needs and what kind of product you will sell to them.

4.    Goals: What do you want to achieve with this marketing plan? The goals should be challenging and attainable.

5.    Marketing Strategies: Here you have to outline the marketing strategies you want to perform for the goals to be attainable.

6.    Implementation tactics: In this section, tasks required to implement the strategies are listed. Each person is assigned with different tasks and the name of the team leader, the date of completion is also mentioned.

7.    Budget: The amount for the above activities, the revenue forecast considering various scenarios are mentioned here.

8.    Evaluation of results: Here we will mention the success criteria and measurement of the success. We will also check the strategies that are not performing well and the reasons for the non performance.

Does your business need a marketing plan? Then, contact the Team of Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd, who can provide you an effective marketing plan for your business.