Showing posts with label Business consultancy in Visakhapatnam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business consultancy in Visakhapatnam. Show all posts

Where to get advice on setting up a business in India

So,you finally decided to become an entrepreneur and you need advice on setting up a business.Practical advice for small business owners is readily available by from the business advice corner Shriyans at a small fraction of cost.

Their advice for growing businesses have helped several start-ups in successfully running their business.Whether you wish to know which business idea is the best or which market venture can be taken or need advice for company formation or need affordable marketing strategies to promote your product,just reach them for assistance.

It is one potential resource online that offers practical advice without paying much money.Today even the smallest business requires advice even on the smallest matters like designing professional business cards,creating a great business site,good online content that brands your product or service,tips on selling the product,etc.

We,help small businesses unlock their potential by assisting them in their early stages of development.

5 great Profitable business Ideas

Whether you want to invest on a business or plan to start a business, we've got plenty of profitable business ideas for you. If you already have a business idea, then we can work out a perfect business plan for you for successfully setting up a business or starting a business.For our budding entrepreneurs or all those who want start a small business, some great business ideas can be,

Starting a Pet care business
There is a growing interest on pet care & grooming by pet lovers. High business growth is forecasted in the pet industry.Benefit on providing pet care services like grooming, care, food, pet accessories, etc. With every household either having a pet or planning to take up one, this business sounds promising returns in the future.

Starting a tutorial Service business
Academic tutoring demand increasing among school students and college students who wish to enroll for getting higher grades & beat the competition. Parents are hiring private tutors that will assist their children who are unable to understand at classes during school or college. The positive site of tutoring business is that there is always a requirement for tutoring services irrespective of age-group.

Starting a call a driver service
Assume these real life situations – “You are having a late party & cannot drive back home after getting drunk, you need a reliable cab driver to drive you home along with your car. You are going on a long tour that covers a hilly terrain or jungles; need a driver to reach your destination with ease” This is where a dial a driver Service comes into HELP 24*7.

Starting a management consultancy
There is a demand for consultants for growing Industries like Pharma, Services, Education, IT, etc. Most of them require best practices & expert advice on how to lead the growth in its thriving Industry. A Management consultancy can be about marketing, communication, financial or HR Practices.

Starting a daycare center
With Double Income families with Kids ratio increasing there seems an opportunity for starting a daycare center to take care of their kids when they have no time & are off to work. This Industry is seen to have a steep growth in the next couple of years with parents looking to daycare centers for safekeeping their children during daytime. An investment of 20-25 lakhs is required to take care of the Infrastructure, working capital, etc.

Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd can be reached at for any further information on some more business ideas.

Business Process Management

What is Business Process Management?
Business Process Management
also called as BPM is a practice of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization mechanizing the business process. According to the business model, each company will have different Business processes. When the business reacts to market conditions, this process tends to advance over a period of time. The BPM you choose should be easily adaptable to any type of conditions and requirements and should be a perfect fit to the company.

What is the life cycle of BPM?
Business process management
is having five stages and is grouped as- design, modeling, execution, monitoring, and optimization.

Process design involves of identifying the existing process and if necessary re-designing it. Perfect designing increases the lifetime of BPM and reduces the issues. The main areas includes- Standard Operating Procedures, representation of the process flow, Service Level Agreements, escalations and task hand-over mechanisms.

Modeling gives the theoretical design and brings up different variables. It also involvers in “What if Analysis”.

The mentioned design and process has to be executed with the help of available resources.

It includes tracking of individual processes so that the information can be easily seen and performance based statics can be easily provided.

Optimization involves getting performance information from modeling and monitoring phases, identifying the cost savings and again applying those in the design of the process. This overall process creates great business value to the organization.

Any more tips or advice needed then consult us.

Appointment Settings

What is Appointment setting?
Appointment Setting is one of the effective marketing tools. It is defined as setting-up a time, date to meet the prospective customer. A tel-caller or sales executive has to convenience over the phone and take an appointment to the client. It’s not so easy to convince a client. You need to have lots of skills and conversational manner. Sales people actually start the process from taking the Appointment Setting.

Benefits of Appointment Setting:

Appointment Setting with MAN:
Here, you may be confused about “MAN”, but it actually means M-who is having Money, A- having complete Authority, N- having a Need of the product. So, you are making appointment with a prospective client, so convincing him/her will be easy.  

You can have a time for you:
You can fix an Appointment at a fixed time of your wish and you have to utilize your time carefully and get benefited at the end.

Targeting sales according to Need:
You have to gather minimum information from the prospective client, before attending the appointment. So, according to the customer’s requirement, you can pitch the product.

The process of Appointment Setting has been effective from ages. However, with the change in time, you have to innovative think and set appointments with the prospective clients. This whole process should have a well-planned system or program to convenience clients and make them understand your product or service and beet the competitive edge.

Need any more tips of advice then consult us .

Tips to become a Successful Entrepreneur

Here are some tips for those who want to start their career as entrepreneurship. These can be helpful for starting and running a business or even selecting an organization to join. A good and successful idea is often found with shallow introspection rather than by having a look at external sources. If a creator is passionate about his venture and works on the idea, then his venture will surely become successful; in spite of markets highs or lows.

If you don’t love your work or job, it’s impossible to start a business and run it successfully. Building a business, setting targets and chasing them is not the final task, but creating a venture is about being able to do something on a permanent basis with complete involvement.

1.    Build a product or service that you will pay to use or directly use it-
It is vital to start producing a product or a service that you can use for yourself or love to get involved in it; something that you keep on doing, even if it doesn’t bring more money at initial stages.

2.    Build a ‘Back Bone’ Business model-
When you started to work on an area, it is important to think of its business model. This may not come right after your first attempt; it may also take some months or years. If you are starting a product or service, the people should be dependent on the product or service and use it.

3.    Create an asset around your venture-
When you look for an expansion, the scale of assets in the financial papers will matter most. An investor or even a customer sees your financial assets in your annual report, but not your turnover. Every time look into your financial spending and cash flow patterns.

4.    Start going with the wave-
No one can try going against the flow of nature and economic cycles. Keep on your eyes open to figure out an upscale market. Investigate on the spending patterns of the people around you, have an eye at the government’s budget and find out the primary agenda.

Every venture has its own life cycle of starting, growth, maturity and end phases of life cycle. These life cycles are directly influential on the spending structure of the government and the people. 

5.    Carry some magnets to attract masses-
Magnets are nothing but smart and successful people. It’s most important to invite smart people to your business. No matter how difficult is to bring the smart people, its worth of getting smart people to be a part of your organization.

Once they are in, you should use the skills and expertise and then make them focus on the agenda of your organization.

6.    Build a culture, not just a product-
Human mind is an astonishing creator. Some minds may create and some minds may destroy. Trillion-dollar businesses like coffee, food, auto, software, aviation, real estate work on the principle of culture, but not the product.

These types of businesses dig deep into the human behavior and build a platform for intellectual exchange and socializing that has now become one of the parts of our daily life.

So, follow these simple, but most powerful tips to attain success in the business. Want any assistance in setting up a business then talk to our expertise in Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd .

Reality of great Business Ideas

Many entrepreneurship magazines and books are filled with many successful Business ideas of entrepreneurs. They are rich as they had a great Business idea. These types of stories give a wrong perception about great ideas- where they come from and what they are?

Here are some facts about those Great Business Ideas:
1.    They were generated out of nowhere- The great business idea creators tend to do in a structured way. They don’t wait for the bolt of lightning to hit, but idea generation is the top-priority activity in order to set periods of time. 

2.    Getting ideas isn’t a problem, but implementing them is a problem- This is a misconception of the people. However, the reality is that problem with implementation arise from not screening carefully enough the ideas that were generated. If this was done before, then a lot of frustration will be reduced and as ill-thought-out ideas will be screened before even implemented.

3.    There is no stupid idea- We know that all ideas will not work out and are bad. But there’s nothing wrong in that‼ Sometimes, the most powerful Business ideas come from what seemed to be illogical or stupid. 

4.    We can generate all the ideas we’ll ever need if we sit down at a meeting- Having a meeting and discussing the business ideas and to feed off each others creativity and enthusiasm is a great thing. However, great ideas shouldn’t restrict to a meeting, but they should be shaped and through an ongoing dialogue.

Well these are some of misconceptions about ideas, which may become great business ideas. Now it’s your turn to discuss your thoughts and ideas that may one day become a big business idea for others. So, think deeply on your ideas by having a discussion with your friends or family or any others.

So, why not talk to our business consultants in Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd about your ideas and have a discussion on the same

Real Marketing leads to Real Sales

How often we have cracked our heads when we are not getting sales inspite of several advertising done in the market? How often we have blamed our team for the failure of not getting business? How often our blood boils up when we see the ad expenses soaring high & higher?

Well all these years, working with several top notch companies as a Sales Professional I had learned the mistakes made by them and this has helped in proper market planning when the time came to market my company and its services.

The One simple formula I have learned is – “Marketing should be done at the right time & to the right target with the right tools”. This really helps you in controlling costs & getting quality leads that have a better chance to become sale.

Most businesses either miss this point or may neglect this. They prefer to continue spending bags of money on advertising, shouting at their sales team and in the end blaming each other for the failures. This saga will continue until you seriously plan to do something differently.

With a proper market planning you can surely save those millions of rupees every year spent on advertising that yield no results. There are several cost-effective advertising techniques that help you reach the target market. You need to incorporate messages that are having compelling and interesting messages which may match the interest of your target customer.

I can go on saying more, but there is never an end to it. Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd is small business marketing experts who can guide you to successful marketing. 

How to name your Business?

Did you gave a right name to your company? What’s in the name of the company?

Most of the small business success will be found in good and right name that they give to their business, which brings a good talk in the city. The wrong name will doom the company to failure and darkness.

Smart business people will take as much care and effort in selecting and naming their business as they did it with writing the idea, planning for the location, etc… Your name should reflect your product or service and the expertise of your business.

There is an argument on what creates a good business name. Many experts say that the best names are conceptual, a blank slate, which gives a good image in the city. Some think that the name should be informative, so that customers can know your product.

Some even have coined names (names that was born from made-up words) that are more unforgettable than the actual words. But the fact is that any type of name can be remembered if there is good marketing strategy.
Either you can select the name of the business or can consult an expert for choosing unique names.

Many companies take the trademarks to their name of the businesses. A professional naming company will take some thousands of dollars to provide you a name. They will have expertise to advice you on the good name selections. Better to consult a business naming consultant, who can make your job easy and give you a perfect name to your company.

Consultants in Visakhapatnam

Visakhapatnam, the “City of Destiny,” is one of the fast growing cities in India, popularly known as Vizag. It is one of the secured places on the East coast of India. Many small businesses were set-up in Vizag and many more start-up ventures are coming, making Vizag a hub of business. Visakhapatnam is one of the excellent places to invest in business. You can either start your own business or take a franchisee of your wish.

                                "BUT WHAT NEXT?"

Things will not be easy as written words. This was an accepted fact by all of us. However, think of a TEAM of Professionals who will help you in guiding throughout your business. Yes, from preparing Business Plan, Market Research, Business Development, Web Services, Data Services, and Financial Services to Marketing.

The One-Stop Consultancy in Visakhapatnam, “Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd,” consists of expertise in different areas, who have worked in different fields and now providing Consultation Services to various start-up companies and existing business in Visakhapatnam as well as to other Countries.

The team of consultants in Visakhapatnam will work on-site as well as off-site as per the requirements of the clients. The Team also provides value added services to the clients on how to boost up their revenue and stay ahead from their competitors. 

Contact the Team of Consultants in Visakhapatnam and have innovative minds work for YOU.

Business consultancy in Visakhapatnam

A Consultant is an individual or an organization which is specialized in a particular field of interest. For instance- if a person is interested in training corporate, he can become a corporate trainer. There is a lot of difference between a good consultant and bad consultants. The first one will have lots of passion, complete knowledge of the subject and drive for excellence.

Here are some areas of consulting services:
1.    Marketing consultants: This is one of the areas, where businesses are looking into. As producing product is not enough and marketing the product is very important to reach maximum number of customers.

2.    Financial consultants: This includes all the financial needs of the business like accounting, auditing, fund-raising ways, etc…

3.    Business consultants: Guides to achieve long-term and short-term goals of the business.

4.    Content writing consultants: Business needs good and fresh content in their web site, reports, etc… so; they hire a content writing consultant for increasing the customer base.

5.     Communications: These consultants help the employees in improving their communication, soft skills, etc…

6.    Career consultants: These are the people, who always have demand. They guide their patients into a job or a profession.

7.    Corporate sales training: These are the sales training programs to the sales team.

8.    Human resources: As long as businesses run, human resources consultants have enough corporate clients.

9.    Computer consulting: From hardware to software, if you know computers very well, then you will not have enough time to meet client’s demands.

10.    Public Relations: Every company has one PR Consultant, where the organization gets good press coverage.

11.    Writing services: Everything related to written work will always have demand. Now-a-days, the need for writing services became more. If you have the skill then, sky will be the limit.

Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd has been providing business consultation services to many existing and start-up ventures. Our Team of professional will assist you in marketing, financial, web designing,  content writing, data services and in market research.