Showing posts with label starting a small business in India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label starting a small business in India. Show all posts

Setting up a new Business

Do you want to set up your own Business & become your own boss?
Then here is a small Business guide, which will assist you a solid start for your new venture. From naming your business to your firm, preparing the business plan, taxation advice, etc… As we know any start up venture will have some ups and downs at the initial stages. Success will never be guaranteed immediately. But, we will assist you in minimizing the trickier elements concerned in setting up of your Business.

Here are some steps on how to set up a new Business:
1.    Go on research for your new venture. This is vital and you have to spend a lot of time and it should dig deep into the market and find out the chances for the existence of your Business. Investigate on your goals and financial aspects of your life.

2.    Hire a lawyer to complete all the legal formalities and registration of your start up venture. 

3.    Evaluate the easiness for entry into your selected market and the size of the targeted market.

4.    According to your funding ways, you can give a structure for your business: a sole proprietorship, limited partnership or a limited liability company or partnership. The structure concludes the taxation and liability factors.

5.    Create a detailed business plan, which will include all the departments, fund-raising and many more things.

6.    Get all the permits, local licenses and ID numbers. There will be different requirements and procedures for different businesses. Also, plan for all the health, environmental or safety issues, which may have an impact on your business.

7.    Consult for patents, copyrights and trademarks if you have any innovative product.

8.    Purchase the infrastructure and the necessary items like the systems, telephone connections, etc…

9.    Divide all the departments differently and then recruit the employees for those particular departments. Hire people for their skills, attitude, energy and then qualification. 

10.    Begin working on the business plan with vision and mission statements. Don’t completely depend on the business plan. Make it flexible according to situations.

11.    Develop a Marketing plan that depicts all the marketing strategies and the ways that we follow to attain the marketing objectives and goals.

12.    Fix for the grand opening of the firm. Be prepared for immense commitment of time and energy.

Want assistance for Setting up a new Business or new venture? Contact Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd, a Team of professionals, who will assist you in Business planning, Marketing Plan, Licenses, Market research, Business consulting, marketing of your new product or service.

Starting a new Business ! Here is a checklist

What is a Business Checklist?
In any entrepreneur's life, starting a new venture is one of the busy times. Critical steps will be overlooked until you are in the actual process. The Checklist for starting a new Business is a list of tasks that you have to perform while starting a new business. This is useful to set up the business legally efficient and sound.

This checklist says that you already have an idea of your business and now want to list the things ready to make it real. Here is a checklist of some basic areas you have to cover before starting your business.
1.    Research on the Business idea
2.    Writing a Business plan and Marketing Plan
3.    Choose a name and registering it
4.    Also, register the domain name in the internet
5.    Completing all legal formalities of the business
6.    Choosing a location to start your Business
7.    Meeting the banker and having good relationship with him
8.    Registering federal trademark or patents or copy rights
9.    Get all the licenses and permits to start your business
10.    Fund-raising channels
11.    Infrastructure
12.    Planning for risk and insurance
13.    Developing day-to-day managerial plan
14.    Hire Employees
15.    Others

If you are starting a Business, then have an effective Checklist for your business, which helps your business to prosper. You can manage some of these areas. But, you can’t manage some. If you have solid base, then only you can have solid business and can achieve your goals easily and can be free from unexpected problems in the future. 

Contact Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd to prepare a checklist for your start-up venture.

‘Bubbling Business Profits’

Yes! What we are now going to share with you here is some tips on how we can turn an ordinary company into a blooming business. I am sure all those small and medium business that are either start-ups of established are listening –

Effective Sales Letters – These letters directly explains about your product or service. They're a personal form of communication, which are enormously versatile. Obviously, you can use them to make a direct sale also.

Content optimization – The content of your website or blog is important for the search engines as they consider your website's significance and relevancy based on both “Meta Tags” and important key words in the content.

Google Ad words – A pay-per-click ad campaign powered by Google, which is used as the majority way to advertise online.

Blogging – Blogs are called as web logs where you can directly explain the features and benefits of your products. These blogs differ from websites as they consist of daily or weekly posts.

Outsourcing – This is the process of contacting a third party agency to outsource a part of business function by paying them some amount. One of the major benefits for this is to save cost and time.

SEO – This is a process of improving the number or quality of traffic to a web site or a web page from search engines via "natural" or un-paid search results. The theory here is, if the site appears in the first page, the traffic of the site increases..

Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd has been providing Online marketing services and consultation on how we can expand our business with minimum resources and limited budget. Reach them for further information.