Showing posts with label business consultancy India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label business consultancy India. Show all posts

Appointment Settings

What is Appointment setting?
Appointment Setting is one of the effective marketing tools. It is defined as setting-up a time, date to meet the prospective customer. A tel-caller or sales executive has to convenience over the phone and take an appointment to the client. It’s not so easy to convince a client. You need to have lots of skills and conversational manner. Sales people actually start the process from taking the Appointment Setting.

Benefits of Appointment Setting:

Appointment Setting with MAN:
Here, you may be confused about “MAN”, but it actually means M-who is having Money, A- having complete Authority, N- having a Need of the product. So, you are making appointment with a prospective client, so convincing him/her will be easy.  

You can have a time for you:
You can fix an Appointment at a fixed time of your wish and you have to utilize your time carefully and get benefited at the end.

Targeting sales according to Need:
You have to gather minimum information from the prospective client, before attending the appointment. So, according to the customer’s requirement, you can pitch the product.

The process of Appointment Setting has been effective from ages. However, with the change in time, you have to innovative think and set appointments with the prospective clients. This whole process should have a well-planned system or program to convenience clients and make them understand your product or service and beet the competitive edge.

Need any more tips of advice then consult us .

Reality of great Business Ideas

Many entrepreneurship magazines and books are filled with many successful Business ideas of entrepreneurs. They are rich as they had a great Business idea. These types of stories give a wrong perception about great ideas- where they come from and what they are?

Here are some facts about those Great Business Ideas:
1.    They were generated out of nowhere- The great business idea creators tend to do in a structured way. They don’t wait for the bolt of lightning to hit, but idea generation is the top-priority activity in order to set periods of time. 

2.    Getting ideas isn’t a problem, but implementing them is a problem- This is a misconception of the people. However, the reality is that problem with implementation arise from not screening carefully enough the ideas that were generated. If this was done before, then a lot of frustration will be reduced and as ill-thought-out ideas will be screened before even implemented.

3.    There is no stupid idea- We know that all ideas will not work out and are bad. But there’s nothing wrong in that‼ Sometimes, the most powerful Business ideas come from what seemed to be illogical or stupid. 

4.    We can generate all the ideas we’ll ever need if we sit down at a meeting- Having a meeting and discussing the business ideas and to feed off each others creativity and enthusiasm is a great thing. However, great ideas shouldn’t restrict to a meeting, but they should be shaped and through an ongoing dialogue.

Well these are some of misconceptions about ideas, which may become great business ideas. Now it’s your turn to discuss your thoughts and ideas that may one day become a big business idea for others. So, think deeply on your ideas by having a discussion with your friends or family or any others.

So, why not talk to our business consultants in Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd about your ideas and have a discussion on the same

Revisit Your Marketing Strategies

One has to seriously rethink in making changes in their marketing strategies by following these steps.

Know Your Competition – One should make a good survey to know their present competitors and the future competitors who may reach forward to taking away your customers or market .Make a regular follow up on listing out your rivals in the Industry.

Know Competitors closely – Now that you have identified your competition, the next step will be to closely understand them. Note their Strengths and of course the weakness that will help you preparing effective marketing strategies. Keep a close eye on those competitors whose approach to the market seems more aggressive & turn out profitable too.

Comparison factor – Probably the best way to implement better marketing strategies is having a comparison table that shows the marketing approaches of your organization along with some of the leading competitors in the market promoting similar services or products.

Shaping Strategies – Once you listed out and know what is going wrong or what needs to be changed in your marketing approaches, you can start making the appropriate changes. You now need to make an approach that will surely have a leading edge over your competitors.

I am sure this small piece of information has really helped you. Are you requiring more information or suggestions? State your requirement to any business problem faced while marketing product or services. We can be reached here…

Increasing your “LEADS”

Whenever you start a marketing campaign, you should remember one thing in mind. Those are the leads that you get after successful marketing campaign. Leads are categorized in to three types.
1.    Leads that are already in your hand (HOT)
2.    Leads that will be ready soon (WARM)
3.    Leads that will never be ready (COLD)

When you started a marketing campaign, you don’t know, which  is cold or warm or hot‼!

So, if you or your staff starts calling to the leads, then you will spend more time for the leads, which are going to close. All smart sales men do this and try to pluck the fruit that is hanging to the ground. They usually cherry pick. It is a natural result here because,

1.    Sales representatives get more commission for every sale.

2.    As a sales representative you don’t know the difference between hot or warm or cold leads. You have to go to them and then find out.

3.    If you meet the customer at wrong time, then you don’t have patience to continuously follow up.

There’s no wrong in spending your time with the hot customers. But the problem arises, when you neglect those warm leads. Instead of follow up, you will forget these warm customers and leave the sales. This should not happen. There should be someone to follow up the warm customers like clock work.

For some years, you have tried to follow up or re-market to your leads. If you’re winning, the chances are there are occasional needle in the haystack. But you can do it in a much better ways.

Your follow-up shouldn’t be a hit and miss game. There are some new ways to handle the whole process. And I am sure that those will be helpful in increasing your leads than the present leads. How would it be if you close some more leads every month?

Find out on how you can increase your leads by consulting with us.

Starting a new Business ! Here is a checklist

What is a Business Checklist?
In any entrepreneur's life, starting a new venture is one of the busy times. Critical steps will be overlooked until you are in the actual process. The Checklist for starting a new Business is a list of tasks that you have to perform while starting a new business. This is useful to set up the business legally efficient and sound.

This checklist says that you already have an idea of your business and now want to list the things ready to make it real. Here is a checklist of some basic areas you have to cover before starting your business.
1.    Research on the Business idea
2.    Writing a Business plan and Marketing Plan
3.    Choose a name and registering it
4.    Also, register the domain name in the internet
5.    Completing all legal formalities of the business
6.    Choosing a location to start your Business
7.    Meeting the banker and having good relationship with him
8.    Registering federal trademark or patents or copy rights
9.    Get all the licenses and permits to start your business
10.    Fund-raising channels
11.    Infrastructure
12.    Planning for risk and insurance
13.    Developing day-to-day managerial plan
14.    Hire Employees
15.    Others

If you are starting a Business, then have an effective Checklist for your business, which helps your business to prosper. You can manage some of these areas. But, you can’t manage some. If you have solid base, then only you can have solid business and can achieve your goals easily and can be free from unexpected problems in the future. 

Contact Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd to prepare a checklist for your start-up venture.

Preparing a Marketing Plan for your business

To achieve the marketing objectives of an organization, this is called as a marketing plan. Marketing plans can be for a product or service. Marketing plans are an integral part of the overall business plan. There should be a strong marketing strategy, which forms the foundation for a good marketing plan.

An efficient marketer uses all means of communication to impress and win the customers’ confidence that will lead to a sale.

Benefits of a Marketing plan:
1.    The business owners who make an effective marketing plan will think for the long-term of their business and plan accordingly.

 2.    For harvesting results, the team will work hard and stick with the marketing plans.

3.    The marketer will monitor the competition, but will not react excessively.

4.    The team will focus towards the specific marketing objectives and goals.

5.    Will work mainly attract on the segmented market, at the same time will concentrate on the other customers.

6.    Spend the budget according to the marketing plan effectively and efficiently.

7.    Become smarter in marketing every year and understands how marketing works.

Essentials of an effective marketing plan:
1.    Executive Summary: It highlights the main goals and objectives of the marketing plan. It should also contain a brief note of the budget requirements.

2.    Business Overview: This is also referred to as the, “situation analysis.” It contains some important areas like market, product, distribution situations, competitors and pricing. Here, you should mention the past one year records and plans. You have to include SWOT analysis of the business.

3.    Target Market: Here you have to segment your target market. You have to mention their needs and what kind of product you will sell to them.

4.    Goals: What do you want to achieve with this marketing plan? The goals should be challenging and attainable.

5.    Marketing Strategies: Here you have to outline the marketing strategies you want to perform for the goals to be attainable.

6.    Implementation tactics: In this section, tasks required to implement the strategies are listed. Each person is assigned with different tasks and the name of the team leader, the date of completion is also mentioned.

7.    Budget: The amount for the above activities, the revenue forecast considering various scenarios are mentioned here.

8.    Evaluation of results: Here we will mention the success criteria and measurement of the success. We will also check the strategies that are not performing well and the reasons for the non performance.

Does your business need a marketing plan? Then, contact the Team of Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd, who can provide you an effective marketing plan for your business.