Sales Lead Generation Services

Do your sales team or channel partners or resellers require more qualified sales leads? Have the present marketing strategy or advertising campaigns did not prove to be effective? Need someone to deliver you qualified sales leads that lead to time saving & fast conversions? Then this is the right time to look up to lead generation companies who can produce sales leads for you.

Real estate lead generation services
What's great about using a Real estate Lead Generation Service? Well it saves time that gets consumed in cold calling, responding to inquiries coming from Print media,email,etc.You can outsource this department to a Real Estate Lead generation service who works out to provide excellent leads that will turn potential sales.

Mobile lead generation services
Lead generation Services for Mobiles most involves capturing the most common keywords or phrases used by consumers to find mobile information online. Lead generation experts research on the same & come out with effective marketing strategies to get sales leads for the provider or mobile dealer.

IT Lead generation Services
If you are a software company that market HR package or Payroll or CRM or IT Training Company that promotes software training courses then take the services of an IT lead generation provided who can suggest the best practices to generate quality leads for your business. Make your business stay ahead in the competition by tracking your leads continuously.

Fitness lead generation services
Sales lead generation services for a Fitness center or Spa center or a beauty parlor requires information on selective people who wish to get into shape or health. This requires constant research, counseling, cold calling to convince your potential clients. Generating leads through Online can also create an increase in the sales by effective mail campaigns, appointment setting programs, etc.

Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd is an offshore lead generation provider that provides a range of services in their Sales Section like – Appointment Setting, Email response handling, website response, Lead generation, Web research services & data management.

5 great Profitable business Ideas

Whether you want to invest on a business or plan to start a business, we've got plenty of profitable business ideas for you. If you already have a business idea, then we can work out a perfect business plan for you for successfully setting up a business or starting a business.For our budding entrepreneurs or all those who want start a small business, some great business ideas can be,

Starting a Pet care business
There is a growing interest on pet care & grooming by pet lovers. High business growth is forecasted in the pet industry.Benefit on providing pet care services like grooming, care, food, pet accessories, etc. With every household either having a pet or planning to take up one, this business sounds promising returns in the future.

Starting a tutorial Service business
Academic tutoring demand increasing among school students and college students who wish to enroll for getting higher grades & beat the competition. Parents are hiring private tutors that will assist their children who are unable to understand at classes during school or college. The positive site of tutoring business is that there is always a requirement for tutoring services irrespective of age-group.

Starting a call a driver service
Assume these real life situations – “You are having a late party & cannot drive back home after getting drunk, you need a reliable cab driver to drive you home along with your car. You are going on a long tour that covers a hilly terrain or jungles; need a driver to reach your destination with ease” This is where a dial a driver Service comes into HELP 24*7.

Starting a management consultancy
There is a demand for consultants for growing Industries like Pharma, Services, Education, IT, etc. Most of them require best practices & expert advice on how to lead the growth in its thriving Industry. A Management consultancy can be about marketing, communication, financial or HR Practices.

Starting a daycare center
With Double Income families with Kids ratio increasing there seems an opportunity for starting a daycare center to take care of their kids when they have no time & are off to work. This Industry is seen to have a steep growth in the next couple of years with parents looking to daycare centers for safekeeping their children during daytime. An investment of 20-25 lakhs is required to take care of the Infrastructure, working capital, etc.

Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd can be reached at for any further information on some more business ideas.

What is HRMS Software?

Do you want to transform your HR department into a key strategic player? It may seem to you as a precipitous challenge, but it may not be so with the help of technology and the software. HRMS is software that opens the opportunities to elegant your HR to make an incredible impact on your organizations bottom line.

HRMS –Human resource management systems software uses the technology along with speeding up the process, cutting down the costs and increases the efficiency. If you have some HR experts in your organizations, then you can know the needs and requirements of the employees and then choose the correct HRMS software for your organization.

HRMS software provides easy, accurate and timely repossession of employee activity oriented information with the help of menu driven and user-friendly operations. HRMS software meets the information needs of all levels of management and facilitates decision making, planning and controlling regular activities.

Due to the changes in the economy, the rules are becoming new and are rapidly changing. Stay competitive and by integrating HRMS software solutions to conventional HR.

Benefits of HRMS software:
1.    A detailed ad flexible program that will help you to manage staff records

2.    Helps to navigate through personal information

3.    Tracking of payroll data and even compute the vacation accurately.

4.    HR can also generate the reports on a variety of subjects quickly and easily.

5.    Benefits enrollment

Several HRMS software is coming up with different templates that can be used to draft letters of recognition or discharge a host of other crucial documents.

Want to improve the HR department in your organization? Then, contact Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd who can assist you in selecting HRMS vendors at affordable prices. You can also mail us at

Starting your own business? Here's help!

Experts like us who have ventured into starting our own business suggest all budding entrepreneurs to follow few important steps before starting a business like,

Decide what you want to do
Most of the entrepreneurs jump in to the business world without actually doing the proper ground work on what they actually want to do or plan to do. Make a research on Industries, the growth sectors, the economical conditions & regularities of your local place.

Choose the Industry where you like or love it
Yes! We cannot take up a leather tanning Industry if we cannot tolerate the bad smell. You need to be mentally & physically prepared to give your best in the Industry you have chosen. One should regret later where it becomes too late.

Take Advice from Free Resources
Once we have selected the Industry, start speaking with people connected or having experience in that. They will speak about all the pros and cons that give us a better outlook on what precautions need to be taken. Read all industry related papers or news related to that sector for more idea.

Take help from Business Consultants
This is an important step that needs to be taken for an Entrepreneur who is starting a business. These consultants will develop a business plan for you that will speak about the strategies, financial forecasting, break-even time, competitive analysis & marketing strategies.

Shriyans Blog has abundant Resources for new entrepreneurs like you offering free tips and information. You can also reach them for any further suggestions or advice regarding business startups and growth.

How to get things done and manage when you are overwhelmed?

Did you ever feel overwhelmed by some new element or existing element of your online business?

Of course the answer will be YES. We feel many times both at the starting of the business and even now. For some people it will come when they perform something great like starting some new venture or expanding the business.

I think the key is not to let the feelings overwhelm you, but to work on them and here are some ways for getting things done-

1.    Focus on the things that you have control on it-
When we are not having control on the things, we were worried a lot and spend a lot of time on it. So, at this time you can think of the controllable things and then work accordingly. Always it may not be possible. Lots of time and energy will be taken from the things that we have no control.

2.     Break down in to bits-You can break them difficult tasks in to smaller tasks that can be easily achievable. If you are having some time to do the things, then you can cut shot the work in to pieces and then plan to do accordingly. This gives some relaxation to our mind and we can achieve easily.

3.     Share with others-Most of the times when we are having some massive projects, we will stumble in our own desperation and fear of the things that are to be achieved and will try to take on the burdens alone and don’t naturally share them with others. But externalizing the feelings will help us a lot. When we reveal to partners or friends, then the burden may not be more and may find a solution in a simpler way.

4.    Starting-The time comes to roll up the sleeves and start working. You may have a wrong perception of the project and never do anything for it. Here, the key is to start doing the work. Write the entire bit sized works on a piece of paper and then prioritize each bits and start working accordingly.

These are some of the ways to get rid of overwhelming and doing the things. If you faced any of these kind, and want to share with, then feel free to write them down.

New product launch

In most of the successful ventures, planning for the new product launch starts with a lot of research, design and development. Sales, marketing, positioning, advertising and public relations are to be addressed and should be given as much energy and time as the design and development. Coordinating with marketing activities along with product design and development is also the vital for success.

The key components in the strong product launch are-
1.    Clearly mentioned sales objectives
2.    Assuring sales channels readiness
3.    Promotional functions working together
4.    Track, monitor and account the resources for execution.

Positioning is not about placing the product with features and specifications, but is the core message that differentiates from the other products. An exclusive product identity reinforce the market’s perception of your product and in turn strengthens your company’s overall position.

There are certain milestones to make sure that everyone is working for the same goal are-
1.    Have you identified all the launch channels?
2.    How many products do you want to sell on a specific day?
3.    When is the product going to launch for a national trade?
4.    Do you have sufficient stocking orders with main distributors?
5.    How can you grow the product in to 5-10% market entrenchment?

Break down every possible launch component. Send some new product samples to industry, trade publication and magazine reviews. Do everything for a strong, functioning life-support system for the new product.

The core benefits should be repeated again and again in the marketplace to get some identity for the new product. While introducing a new product, you need to assess its fit with the existing channels.

Want assistance in new product launches then; contact the team of Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd, who can assist you. They can be reached at

Lead Generation Techniques

Here are some Lead generation techniques for your product or service:
1.    Relationship Marketing-
In all of the sales lead generation success, one of the methods is relationship marketing. Cultivating a personal sales relationship with your prospects is the way to sales lead generation. With different communication channels, you can have an ongoing communications with the customer which lets you to give more sales leads.

2.    Some Referrals-
With help of existing clients, you can do one more sales lead. For every sales call you have to ask for referrals and generate the highest quality sales.

3.    Online Marketing-Due to more number of online users, the internet advertising is gaining popular. Most of the businesses start with the internet for research. Therefore, it’s very important to have lead generation program that includes search engine optimization or any other online marketing strategy to attract the visitors and turn them in to customers.

4.    Telemarketing-
Even though several people deride the thought of telemarketing, it is one of the effective tools to know about your customer and most important to lead generation. Here you can know whether the customer is interested or not in a minute. 

5.    Direct mail-
Brief introduction about your product or service in your doorstep is an old and effective marketing tool. Effective sales letters help your customer to know about your product or service in a minute.

6.     Event Marketing-
Whether you do a webinar or workshops or through the telephone, are great sales lead generation tools. People you attend the seminar, will be interested in your product or service. SO, with effective presentations, you can do the things and increase the sales leads.

Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd has a Team of professionals, who can assist you in different lead generation techniques for your product or service. They can be reached at

Turnkey Projects

This is one type of project that is constructed by a developer and sold out or turned over to a buyer in a ready to use condition. The buyer will have the full control over the functionality of the project after the moment it is complete and these projects are ready to use. The term Turnkey means a home that is newly built and ready to use immediately by the client.

This turnkey projects are contract based projects where a company agrees to finish the design, construct and fully equip the home or business and then sells it to the buyer. These projects were tested and fully developed. This is one of the factors that is appreciated by the customer that when he purchases that the project is completely in working condition and there is no need for the customer to struggle again.

Since these turnkey projects are completely done, they require all the resources that a company sometimes can’t afford. But, usually some companies hire an outside contractor to share the work and to continue with the normal work while operating the project side by side.

This is the reason for the more requirements of contractors and sub-contractors in the Turnkey Projects. Here, one main supervisor or manager is assigned to put an eye on the proceedings of the project. The Delay in the Turnkey projects is very less, as the returns in these projects are in high numbers. Once finished, they can be sold as ready to use projects to the clients at high revenues.

There are two main advantages for these Turnkey projects:
1.    These type of projects are good for business
2.    The clients will agree for a contract with a knowledgeable person and in return they give them a ready to use project

For instance, we know the very well home projects that were built by big construction companies and also framing the interior structure and placing the interiors. These types of projects offer several different other facilities like forming a community, having a swimming pool, gym and market utilities. The company having a good name in the market is the best one to opt for and ideal one to invest in.

Sales Toolkit

What is Sales Toolkit?
Sales toolkit provides a solution to sales success which delivers both customer understanding and market sector and benefits. Sales Toolkit conveys the effectiveness of a sale in channel and direct sales organizations, gives sales call preparation needs and optimization of your investments.

Sales Toolkit will provide you with-
   Identifying potential customers
2.    Able to understand both market and customer needs.
3.    Developing sales stories
4.    Understanding on how a product or service meets the requirements of the customer
5.    Providing solutions to customer’s needs and requirements.
Sales toolkit can be delivered in a hard copy, or soft copy or PDF or line-format having some brief lessons of sales staff.

Sales Toolkit-
1.    Prospecting Script
2.    Strategy Wizard
3.    ROI Calculator
4.    A multi- faceted presentation
5.    Short movie
6.    Demo software
7.    Screenshot demo
8.    Pricing calculator
9.    Demo script
10.    Competitive comparison

Sometimes for some buyers, it will never be enough. They will ask some more features or benefits of the product. There are always some new tools for every new product and which are more sensitive, specialized, etc… Sales reps should always be provided with some more new sales tools that can manipulate and fit as per the needs and requirements of the prospects.

Want to have a list of complete ingredients in sales toolkit? Then, contact Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd who can provide you. They can be reached at

B2B Lead Generation

B2B Lead Generation means Business to Business Lead generation and this is one of the new concepts that are widely used by big companies to maximize the sales and then the revenue. With the beginning of online marketing and promotional activities, B2B method is becoming more popular. In this process, a network of various advertising companies gets linked to several main business clients who pay to the website advertisers for giving huge traffic to him.

Many companies are harvesting revenues and profits by this process of B2B advertising. This is due to the reason that B2B lead Generators are providing potential leads for the company with the help of powerful marketing strategies and sales leads programs and techniques.

One of the most important tools used for B2B Lead Generations is e-mail marketing, which assists them to get more sales. By increasing its advertising effectively, they improve the company’s image and the brand in the market. Nowadays, most of the companies are outsourcing their B2B Lead generations to the third party which helps them a lot.

B2B Lead Generation is spreading its network widely with the arrival of internet services. They should understand the business and should aim at doing everything possible to make sure that they provide the company with a customized B2B Lead generation package in order to attract the right clients. 

Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd has a Team of professionals, who can do a B2B lead generation at affordable costs. They can be reached at


What are Webinars?
Webinars are Web-based Seminars, which are now becoming popular and are the latest choice of web conferencing. Webinars are accessible to everyone who is having an internet connection and allows you to hold interactive and easily communicative meetings as many times as you can at no cost. You can also compare the prices that you use for the conference halls, time, travel that incurs in a seminar.

A successful Webinar needs preparation with no shuffling or stumbling over the content that you are going to deliver. If recorded, it becomes a marketing tool for your business. You can even keep a webinar in your website. Make a simple and short presentation as it makes easy for the guests and the external people easy to understand.

Benefits of Webinar:
1.    These will help as Online workshops

2.    Flexible and can prepare at affordable costs

3.    There is no travelling for all the employees or the people to the Webinar. You can just turn on your computer and internet connection.

4.    Register users can participate at any time according to their convenience.

5.    Handouts are downloadable and can be kept aside for future reference files.

6.    Webinars are substitutes for face-to-face conversations while having some discussions and some exchange of information

7.    Discussions remain in online for any further references or reviews. When new webinars are uploaded, then the old ones will not be deleted and are stored.

8.    Due to digital Webinars, discussions and other features are easily archived for a long term.

Though Seminars are valuable tools for the businesses, Webinars exploit from the internet communication to make an effective training. They will also give more advanced skills they need while saving their financial resources. Webinars are independent and have a set of rules and conditions.

Benefit of Lead Generation Services

Lead generation services give a complete sales pipeline for your team. There is several sales process outsourcing companies that provide lead generation services to small business

In today’s challenging and competitive environment, it is very important for a business to have a bucketful of leads and it should be an ongoing process ensuring it never dries up. Choose the right pay per lead service and you get value for your money invested here.

Innovative lead generation services are always welcomed for marketing products or services launched by a new company through online. The lead generation activities should match exactly your requirements and this definitely turns out to be 90% accurate & productive too.

Companies save a lot of time and cost by outsourcing lead generation services to companies specialist in such sales lead generation skills. The companies make an extensive research to locate the right kind of leads, approach them, generate interest and then share their contact details once the lead seems ready to buy. Sales Process outsourcing is the best way to gain access to B2B sales leads from all across the globe.

Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd is a sales Process outsourcing company that is committed to provide you quality sales leads that in turn prove closures leading to increase in business. You can reach them for further information.

Reasons for Starting a Business

Setting up a business and starting the procedures isn’t easy, but will be rewarding. But an entrepreneur takes a lot of risks and sets up the business and start working for the potential benefits. So, if you are on the edge about quitting your regular job and starting your own business, here are some reasons to persuade you and make you move.

Become your own Boss:

Rather than doing the work under someone, you can earn for yourself and become your own boss. But one thing you have to remember is that this is your business so you need to work even harder than your own work.

Earning Potential:

When you start your own business then the ability of earning may become more. If you keep your efforts along with luck, commitment and ideas in the business, then the earning power will increase within no time.

Recruits people having good qualifications:

You will be able to choose some employees who will be working hard with you at the initial stages and who can manage the things. However, this is harder than you think. But, once if you start implementing these things, you feel ease in working.


Some people will have entrepreneurism in their blood and always think in the way to set up a business and building a company. For instance: did you ever notice a situation of driving more sales and how efficiently you co employees can work, etc… If you will become the boss, then you can make these changes for your business.

Do you want to set up a business and need assistance in research, planning, organizing, marketing, forming departments, etc… Then, contact Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd who can help you from setting up to lead generation. They can be reached at

Loyalty Programs

What are Loyalty Programs?
Rewarding and encouraging of a buying behaviour and is also potentially benefit for the firm is a loyalty program.  These are structured marketing programs. It will reward the customers for buying from the vendor or the company in large quantity or on a regular basis. These will include reward points, offer prizes, future discounts, and many other incentives to keep the customer come back and make a purchase and giving business to you.

Goals of Loyalty Programs-
There are 2 primary goals of Loyalty Programs:
1.    Acquisition of information relating to customers buying behaviour.
2.    To nurture Loyalty among the customers and to make sure they come back again.

We will be offered discount for certain extent of purchase. Loyalty Programs off sustained discount for year long or for a period of time. Some other will be offered discount for a certain amount of purchase. For instance, if you buy a product worth $300, you will get some gift hampers or discount.

One of the most commonly used Loyalty Program is the Loyalty Cards, which are found in most of the stores today. Many people who are regular buyers for a store, they offer Loyalty Card. These are also called as reward cards or benefit cards. The supermarkets Loyalty Programs will be usually operate with the discounts of many products.

Benefits of Loyalty Programs-
1.    One of the ways to retain the customers with the help of Loyalty Programs and allowing the businesses to better serve with their needs.
2.    The customer feels happy for every purchase maintaining customer satisfaction.
3.    The customer remembers this and passes this message to at least 5 members

So want to have Loyalty Programs, why not discuss to our Team in Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd and Design your company’s Loyalty Programs. You can also mail us at

Role of Technology in Business

Technology plays a crucial role in the development of business or to beat the competitive edge. From many years, businesses are dependent of Technology and the usage of new methods. It became the body of the businesses that if we take all the Technology away, then all businesses will come to a grinding halt.

Almost all businesses are using computers from a variety of simple operations to complex. Technology played a major role in the growth of commerce and trade in all over the world. We are doing business since time there were no computers, starting from barter system.

From small enterprises to large companies, Technology is used in every point of time from production to delivery of product. Information Management systems are capable of managing all kinds of information like employee profile, accounting, tracking, client profile, automation systems, package storing and many more things.

Globalization wouldn’t become reality without the Technology. With the use of internet, all the companies are able to do trading overseas. If your business has a web site, then we with proper marketing, it will be reached to thousands of people with just a click button. This wouldn’t be possible without internet and thus technology allowed people to do business over thousands of miles.

If Technology was taken from all businesses, then immediately world economy will collapse and all the trade will come to an end.  It has become its own industry of manufacturing hardware, software design and development. Technology individually has become the million dollar industry.

Next time when you switch on your computer and open a website for any purpose, think of what happens if there were no modern Technology… it will become a bit difficult to visualize. That important is Technology to Business.

Foreign countries investing in India

Investing in Indian Market-
India, one of the good places to invest regardless of bureaucratic hassles, political uncertainty, shortages of power and infrastructural deficiencies and presents an enormous potential for overseas investment and is welcoming and encouraging the entrance of overseas partners into the Indian market.

Market potential-
India is the third largest country in Asian continent of having the GDP and stands fifth in the economies in the world. India is a fast emerging nation which offers high prospects for growth and earning good revenues in all areas of business.

Diverse Market-
Indian market is generally diverse having 6 major religions, ethnic diversity and 17 official languages. Thus, different sections of people have different tastes and preferences. Before taking the first step, it is advisable to understand the Indian market and also the economy.

There are many research firms that provide you the information on how to start and develop a project, what project to select, where to enter and how to enter into the market.

Success in India-
Setting up a business and becoming successful will depend on the country’s potential, overestimation of its possibilities and underestimation of its complexity. While evaluating the market, you need to consider the intrinsic factors and the upcoming uncertainties of functioning in Indian market. You need to have a good plan backed with careful research. Those who invest in India for long-term growth, but not for short-term profit, you will surely succeed.

Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd can guide you through the entire process from the beginning to the end, performing the research, develop Indian partners, assisting with configuration and finishing the paper work. Yo


What is Branding?
The American Marketing Association defines branding as “name, sign, term, symbol, design,” or the mixing of all these to determine goods and services of a manufacturer and to differentiate those of other manufactures.

However, branding is not about targeting your customers but providing solution to your prospects to see that you are the only one to satisfy their needs and requirements and providing a solution.

The objectives and goals that a good brand should achieve are-
1.    Delivering the message clearly
2.    Connecting your targeted prospects emotionally
3.    Motivating the buyer

For a successful branding, you have to know your customer needs and requirements. At every point of public contact, your company should integrate branding strategies. Your brand should remain in the minds and hearts of the customers.

Benefits of branding to your business:
1.    Gratitude & Loyalty-

Customers are much more likely to remember your business if you are having a brand. A strong & powerful brand name and image helps to keep the brand image of every person and especially for potential customers.

2.    Quality factor-
A strong branding gives the company the image of quality and many people see the brand as part of the value of the product or the service. If you show two products of one having a brand the other not having, then I am sure that the person will choose the product that is branded.

3.    Size factor-Most of the people associate branding with larger businesses that spends lots of money on promotional activities. If you have a proper branding of your company, then your company looks bigger than it really is.

4.    Reflects Experience & reliability-
Branding creates an image of established business and is more likely to be experienced in providing products or services.

5.    Multiple Branding-
 On every product or service you produce, you will have the brand name, which means that your customer of one product may buy another product which is having the same brand name.

So have a good brand name for your business and satisfy the needs and requirements of the customers.

Tele Marketing

What is Telemarketing?
Marketing may be direct or indirect based on how a sales executive does it. One of the direct marketing methods is telemarketing. Here, the sales person uses telephone for taking the appointment and sometimes persuading the customers over the phone to buy the products or services.

There are two major categories in telemarketing:
1.    Business 2 Business
2.    Business 2 Customer

There are some sub categories of telemarketing:
1.    Sales- Persuade the customers to buy the product or service
2.    Lead Generation- Engages collecting of information from the prospective customers.
3.    Inbound- A reactive reception of incoming requests and orders for collecting information.
4.    Outbound- A proactive marketing in which the prospective or preexisting customers are directly contacted.

The main advantage of telemarketing is to get prospective customers and it can be done from home or company or from call center. We can do it manually or using software-automatically. In manual method, the sales person uses the numbers of the prospective customers and persuades the customers by explaining the benefits, advantages and features of the product.

The automatic method is used for prerecorded sales pitches which are programmed according to the situation and cause. For some political and social awareness, robocalling is used. Many survey and research people also use this form to get the information.

Telemarketing the form of direct marketing tracks the calls and a means of getting immediate response with low cost. Customers will either react positively or negatively when calling them. So, here there is no need to wait for the reactions.

Want to have marketing strategies for your business? Then contact our Team in Shriyans Management Consultants P Ltd, who will assist you. They can be reached at

6 Qualities of Successful Business Owners

Are you having the key traits of a successful business owner? This is a nervous-making question. There is a recent study of successful business owners, which has boiled down some key traits. Let’s take a look and see if you are having those qualities.

1.    Self-fulfilled: Many Entrepreneurs love to have some control of their destiny, determining on how hard to work and when to work and obtaining personal fulfillment and pleasure from operating their Business.

2.    Collaborative: Building good relationships with employees, vendors, customers and other party are key. Delegation also plays a main part. From the study, they found that the Entrepreneurs have a win-win attitude and continuously dedicated to create opportunities for others.

3.    Curious: Continuous learning is a property for winning Entrepreneurs. They always look for opportunities to improve their business.

4.    Future Focused: Great Entrepreneurs aren’t just working in the day, but are focused on opening doors for another 24 hours. They are actual Entrepreneurs having a proper planning for the future.

5.    Action Oriented: Mostly Entrepreneurs love to take proactive steps for improving their business. They will have high levels of agreement with phrases like “differentiating ourselves from competitors, commitment to taking the business to the next level and having something to sell when I'm ready to retire."

6.    Tech-savvy: The study found that successful entrepreneurs intensively gives value their website and are ready to rely on the latest technology to help the business more effective and efficient.

So, how’d you do? I personally could say that I improve on the Tech-savvy front.
Do you find any important traits and couldn’t find here? Leave your traits for the successful entrepreneurs in the comments box below.


What is CRM?
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is mostly familiar, vastly implemented strategy for managing and cultivating a company’s interaction and maintaining of relationship with the customers, clients or sales prospects. With the usage of technology, managers categorize, automate and harmonize business processes.
This mainly includes sales activities, customer support, marketing and technical support.

The main aim of Customer Relationship Management is to find new customers, attract and nurture and make them retain those the company already has. Customer Relationship Management is a company’s wide business strategy embracing all customer facing departments. The resources like people, process technology and material are used effectively and work in synergy to increase profitability and reduce the expenditure.

Benefits of CRM:
The CRM tools have been used to attain company’s main objectives-
1.    Increase in sales
2.    Updated sales and marketing processes
3.    Improved customer service, loyalty and retention
4.     Increased cross-selling and up-selling
5.    Increase in efficiency of call-centers
6.    Reducing expenditure
7.    Increasing overall profitability
8.    High rate of conversion
9.    Better targeting on customers
10.    Marginal costing

Strategy for CRM
Choosing a system and implementing is challenging and major undertaking. There are three main areas where benefits are defined and risk is assessed-

•    People: For any initiative, to become successful there should be collaboration; two-way communication should be encouraged in hierarchical boundaries, teamwork, especially with process improvement.

•    Processes: Business process lie at its core due to many technological components. Before selecting a company’s technology and processes, it needs to analyze the business work flow, processes and re-engineering of process for better clientele satisfaction.

•    Technology: While assessing technology, some of the key factors include alignment with the company’s business process and the ability to assign right work to right employee.

So, hope that you find the right CRM tools for the growth of your business. One of the important points is that the buy in for the sales people were huge and should not be ignored when selecting the right solution for your business.